Sunday, March 6, 2011

All In Due Time

My God, you are king
You make the morning dew causing the birds sing
To you be the glory and honor and power
For you are my fortress and strong tower
For you I will sing
With you I will dance
And though your face is hidden behind an angel's wings
Even so I beg and ask for but a glance
You call me beloved and desired
And even though against me, the enemy has conspired
In your promise I will place my trust
 You will deliver me from my affliction
Save me from this ocean which upon the winds gust
In your presence I ask to be made brazen
God you are Just and will hear your servant
You will protect and guide me from the Serpent
To you I give my empire of dirt
Save me from my poor and lonely desert
I trust you to do what is best
Help my unbelief in the rest
May you use me to move mountains
And may I only drink out of your fountains
Only from them is my thirst quenched
From them I pray my soul be drenched
You are my God and Love
For you this is in honor of