Thursday, October 6, 2011

Of names forgotten

The Darkness surrounds me.
It towers around me.
I close my eyes for they ache from searching for light
Fear grips my bones
It strips the strength arms and legs
I collapse into a ball
Tears run down my face
They feel like snow flakes without the joy
Only Darkness and Fear is here
I lay here for what seems forever
The air does not move
No sound can be heard
And Death beckons me
It promises to end the cold
But I dare not answer it's call

There must be another way
I want to fight back but my strength is gone
I know what I must do
I must call the name that I forgot to scream at the beginning
I had let fear take over by forgetting this name
I do not know whether or not the name will still work
I am not even sure I remember it correctly
But what choice do I have, I lay here at Death's door steps
And if I do not move quickly Death may discover me here

I lay for another minute, my face now dry
Not because I stopped crying, but because I ran out of tears
It is now or never I hear footsteps behind Death's door

I wait but nothing happens.
The fear returns even stronger
I open my eyes trying searching the Darkness again
There I see it
A candle in a distance
As I watch it, it grows closer
The fear starts to break
Warmth grips my heart
I can feel heat on my cheeks
The flame keeps getting closer and closer
Growing in size as it approaches
When the flame reaches me
It surrounds me, consuming every inch of my body
It does not burn
But brings light
Giving me strength and removing all fear
This fire gives me a purpose
Hands me a sword and says "Fight, for I AM"