Friday, May 20, 2011

The Day After Tomorrow

Tomorrow marks the end of the world... Or at least it should make the end of the world as we know it.

I do not want the world to end tomorrow, and frankly I am appalled at some of these "christians" that came such. Jesus did not come so mothers could tell their daughters that they are going to hell tomorrow. He came to offer salvation, restoration, and healing that was previously unattainable; he did not come to condemn his children. If anything mothers should be screaming His love for children. I admit that it is not my spot to say but, "Ma'am your millstone with the gold chain is here if your ready for a long walk off a short pier." Whether J-day is tomorrow or next week condemnation is not our job (yeah, I know I'm a hypocrite, but thankfully God still loves her and me).

Condemnation is not are jobs, but loving others is.

I have been thinking this past week, what tomorrow means. I know the world is not going to end tomorrow, but I have come to the conclusion that the world should be different because if it. I started thinking, what if. What if the worlds ends tomorrow, will I proudly stand before God as He says, "Well done, my faithful"?

The more I thought about the more I realized, that I live a pathetic life. I really do. I am thrown around by the events of life. My life is a that of a wave tossed by the wind. If you are ever at the beach on a windy day, you will notice the power wind has over the smaller waves. The wind changes the wave's size, direction, and even the wave's strength is diminished by the wind.

This is my life. Lust destroys my purpose, my strength. Fear shrinks the my size of my courage to help and serve others. I am a chameleon, if I fear that others will think down on my I change my colors. I am swayed by how things are going for me, how others think of me, and how I think of myself. I have nothing solid in me. I am conformed by the slightest nudge. Other things, people control my actions.

My life is pathetic. Nothing that is worthy of notice. I desire for a eulogy that reads "He loved God, He loved others, and He never shied away from speaking Truth. That is Christian. He changed lives and was devoted to bringing the kingdom of God to the sick and broken. God used him to show heaven love to the earth."

My eulogy right now would be quite lacking and worse is that it is my fault. I fritter my time away to lust and video games. I trade in the adventure of this life for the adventure of some person on the Xbox. I trade my own story for those of people on TV. I let the view others have for me come before trying to love them.

I want tomorrow to be a change of the world because it represents a near death experience for everyone. Near death experience are beautiful because they show how near death we all are. They should be changing points. Points where we see where we are failing and how we can better live worthwhile and purposeful lives.

I waste time and am swayed by others. It's were God needs to work. It one of the many areas that I want to do better in. Lucky for me the end of the world is not tomorrow and I have until I die for God to change me. But I could die next week, so I must not continue my wasting of life. We have one life to live and it may not end tomorrow, but we do not know how soon it could actually be.

Consider tomorrow a near death experience to see where we could be living better. I want to stop wasting time. Where do you wish to improve your eulogy? What are you going to improve the day after tomorrow?

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us." ~Hebrews 12:1