Monday, February 7, 2011

It's all in the little things..

Can you feel it in the wind. Taste it in the rain. Maybe even see it in the mirror? I can. It's adventure. It's something new. It is just waiting for me to let go and jump, so it can grab me and send me soaring with the eagles. Every bone in my body aches for it. My heart longs it. I need adventure. I believe we all need adventure. We all need to dream of an adventure, for adventure is our calling. Its closer than we think, for we forget that our days are filled with them.

A problem I find is that I believe others to live bigger adventures. Tells of sleeping with lions in Africa. Feeding the hungry in Brazil. Fixing the broken in China. Loving the homeless in San Fransisco. Adventure in is easiest of forms. Something new, novel, and unheard of. Some risk. Some reward. Even thinking of it stirs up quite the passion in my gut. Imagery fills my mind. It is as if I am merely five years of age, I still dream of an adventure. I still wish to be able to walk out the back door and be in a new land of old knights and even older dragons. Oh the adventures that call my name, but I seem unable to answer its call like those around me.

I find myself getting in thought processes like this; I wish of grandeur, but eventually just end up sad and depressed because my dreams never come true. Something I have been realizing though is that adventure is everywhere. I should think it an adventure to be able to arise from bed, as some can not even get that far. To go to college, for half the world dreams of going to college. I should consider it a privilege to be in deep, new discussions on Wednesday nights with young men who are interested in God. Oh the adventure it is to be in a community of friends every Friday night, reading God's divine Word. The daily adventure of getting to know my other half, my love, and the one God has made for me, should destroy me. The hourly adventure of learning of, talking with, and coming close to Jesus the One who saved me; such an adventure should set my heart on fire and my soul in tears. All of these things should be my focus, for they are my day to day adventures. The things God has blessed me with currently.

But I forget. I lack faith in God to give me adventures in my day to day life. It is something I wish to fix. I want every boring minute of every day to be an adventure in God. I want getting out of bed to be so risky, I think about it for a second before jumping out. I want to take pride in the little adventures, and stop being depressed that I am not living someone else's life. For adventure is all around you and me. We must merely grab the horns and ride it like it's are last chance to live. Let's stop wasting the little things, for they are what make the big things.

“Life is either a great adventure or nothing.”~Helen Keller

1 comment:

  1. Adventure is knocking at the door and all we have to do is turn the handle and like a wave and rush of power adventure will take us. In my prayers for my life as others I ask God to give us great adventures that Glorify HIM. May we also move in the moment and not sit idle as we let adventure pass us by. Great read Christian!

