Sunday, February 27, 2011

Moving Mountains But Tripping Over Molehills

I am going to move a mountain one day. Someday I will change a city. Through faith like a mustard seed, God will use me to do great things. I know it. I believe it. I have faith in God's ability to use me. A strong passion brews inside to do the impossible because I have faith that God can use me for the impossible. This faith is an illusion though.

It just an illusion of progress.

An illusion of closeness with Creator.

I mean really, how easy is it to believe that the Creator of the universe can move a mountain? That He can heal the sick? Maybe even faith that He can save some starving kids in Africa by making it rain a few inches more. It is easy to believe that an all-power, all-knowing God could do this. Pagans since the beginning of time have believed that their gods could do things of this sort. We as Christians are called to a harder type of faith though.

It is easy to believe that God can move mountains, but we are call to trust God with our molehills. This is where the illusion breaks. Where the illusion shatters and cause one to question how faithful they really are.

Once I realized that I am hard pressed trusting God with the little things, I realized how faithless I am. I have a hard time trusting God with the little things, giving Him controls of the small choices. It stems from pride. I know that I am incapable of doing big things on my own, but I often think that I can take on the little stuff on my own. I tell God thanks for helping on the big stuff, then tell Him to step back and let me work on my own.

This is my current struggle. Laying down my pride and giving God control of the molehills. I have to remember that I cannot do anything on my own, cause when I try I fail big time. All I can do is fall on my face and proclaim "Worthy Worthy are You and I being so unworthy need your help"

This is true faith laying everything down at the feet of God and trusting Him to move your mountains and molehills. We must, I must give Him my all and hate my life. Faith is trusting God in every little aspect of your life; even if it's choosing meat over vegetables.

"By faith Abel offered to God a better sacrifice than Cain did." Hebrews 11:4

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